Introduction: Today, the challenges faced by the world are manifold and to mitigate these challenges, cooperation among the world community is required which would eventually lead the world towards peace and prosperity.

2. The world cooperation is required to reduce poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and food insecurity.

3. Curtailing the aforementioned social evils would be the first step towards lasting peace and prosperity.

4. The targets of Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations cunnot be achieved without cooperation among its member states.

Furthermore, the world cannot prosper in its true essence without meeting the contemporary challenges which requires cooperation:

L Terrorism is a global scourge: global effort is required to combat it.

ii. Global warming cannot be reduced by a single nation alone.

ill. Natural calamities and their impacts can only be minimized by world cooperation.

iv. Cooperation across the borders is required to curtail smuggling, human and drug trafficking.

v. Cooperation among nations breeds peace which discourages arms race.

6. However, it is evident from the history that competition among the nations leads to wars

L World Wars I and II were the outcomes of competition.

ii. India and Pakistan have always been at the verge of war owing to the competition between both the countries.

7. Fortunately, there are some organizations regionally and internationally which work to enhance cooperation among the nations.

8. The United Nations and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are few glaring examples in this regard.

9. Conclusion: Cooperation breeds a conducive environment for peace and prosperity while competition begets hostility among the nations. That is why, cooperation is desirable.


Today, the challenges faced by the world are manifold and to mitigate these challenges, cooperation of the world community is required which will eventually lead towards peace and prosperity. However, competition which can expose the world to wars is not desirable especially if the target is to secure peace and prosperity. Basically, the world cooperation is needed to reduce poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and food insecurity across the globe. The curtailment of the aforementioned social evils would be the first step towards enduring peace and prosperity. Moreover, the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations cannot be achieved without cooperation among the member states.

Above and beyond, the world cannot prosper in its true essence without mitigating the contemporary challenges like terrorism, global warming, arm-race, human and drug trafficking and natural calamities. To curb these challenges which truly are a hindrance to world peace and prosperity, cooperation among the countries is required. Conversely, it is evident from the history that whenever the world community deviated from cooperation and indulged in competition, it had witnessed the devastating wars. This all speaks volumes about the significance of cooperation and undesirability of competition for the world peace and prosperity.

To begin with, it is pertinent to discuss why world cooperation is necessary for peace and prosperity. The world cooperation is needed to curb poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and food insecurity. Without curbing these social evils, the world cannot march on the road to prosperity. The European countries with cooperation under the flag of European Union (EU) have improved their social indicators.

The region was once food deficit and poverty and unemployment were rampant there. However, with collective efforts and by sharing innovative ideas with each other, the region is now food surplus and offers employment opportunities to the citizens of the other regions. Same is the case with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Southeast Asian countries owing to their cooperation are progressing in socio-economic and political spheres. Besides progress and prosperity, these countries are living peacefully together. The aforesaid, discussion strengthens the maxim that cooperation is necessary for world peace and prosperity.

Moreover, the United Nations has set 17 targets to be achieved in next 15 years to secure world peace and prosperity. These targets are formally known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These targets cannot be achieved without the cooperation among its member states. For this, all of the 189 UN member states along with 23 international organizations have to cooperate with each other to achieve SDGs by 2030. The successful achievement of these goals depends upon the cooperation. Otherwise, if the member states do not fulfil their commitments, the dream to achieve long-lasting prosperity and peace would remain elusive. It means that to attain positive

results at international level world cooperation is needed instead of competition.

In addition to this, the contemporary world faces a host of challenges. These challenges are hindrance to peace and prosperity. Therefore, without meeting them, the world cannot become a prosperous and peaceful place to live. The curtailment of these challenges requires world cooperation. The foremost challenge faced by today’s world is of terrorism. Owing to terrorism, the world has lost thousands of innocent lives. The violation of fundamental human rights has become a daily affair. The scourge of terrorism is equally widespread across all the continents. In fact, different terrorist organizations of different regions coordinate and support each other in executing their heinous acts of terrorism.

When the enemies of humanity act together, it becomes incumbent upon world community to cooperate in order to defeat them. Terrorism is a global scourge; a global effort is required to combat it. For this, the world community needs to overlook its differences and coordinate with each other to end the menace of terrorism if the target is to have a peaceful and prosperous world.

Moreover, global warming is another challenge faced by the globalised world. To mitigate its catastrophic consequences, a collective action by the global community is required. A wider international consensus needs to be built to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and other acts that contribute towards the global warming. Otherwise, in coming years, the health, economy and ecology of the world would be at a greater risk. This situation would be quite detrimental for the progress and prosperity. The severity of the matter can be further assessed by the words of President Obama:

“No challenge poses a greater threat to our future than a changing climate.” By realizing the severity of the matter, the world community needs to learn to cooperate to resolve the issue at hand. The individualistic approach and isolated efforts will prove to be futile in this regard.

One more painful challenge of the contemporary world is of arms race. Every nation of the world is in competition to build maximum military might to dominate its rivals. Few countries even aspire to create global hegemony or at least, they aim to have supremacy over their neighbouring countries. If all the nations across the globe cooperate, the military expenditures of billions of dollars every year can be diverted towards social sector. These financial resources can be used to educate the next generation.

This investment, in return, will give us enlightened future generations that would be more capable of resolving the world issues amicably. Similarly, the finances allocated for defence budget if used for poverty alleviation programmes, the prevailing hunger and poverty can be abolished. As a result, the world community will be more tolerant and peaceful. Therefore, world community needs to cooperate so that arms race can be avoided and the same financial resources.


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