Introduction: Human beings and their activities are the greatest threat to planet earth.

1. 2. Owing to human activities, atmosphere and environment of the planet earth are decaying

3. Global warming which is a direct outcome of human activities has devastating impact on

the planet earth in following terms:


Continuous increase in temperature as a result of greenhouse gases emission.

ii. Rapid melting of glaciers.

iii. Increase in sea-level which is eroding the land of the planet earth.

iv. Crop cycle has changed.

1. Incidents of floods and tsunamis have increased manifold.

vi. This all have affected the work-force especially daily-wagers the most.

Inefficient use of water by human beings also has negative impact on life at the planet earth. Water scarcity in under-developed region is increasing which is a direct threat to life.

Human activities like dumping of solid waste in rivers and oceans is damaging the marine life.

Nefarious activities of human beings in the shape of terrorism are threat to life, human rights, economic activities and prosperity and co-existence.

Arms race and war economy of various states of the world have added further to this threat.

These human activities and capitalistic approach are disparity between the rich and the poor which is detrimental for a promising future of the planet earth.

Human beings need to take precautionary measures to secure a bright future of the planet earth.


Human beings are the most powerful living creature on the planet earth. They can think hey can act on their own will and shape the future of the planet earth. Indeed, future of the planet earth is in the hands of human beings. However, human beings and their activities are the greatest threat to the planet earth. Human beings are compromising on the atmosphere and the environment of the planet earth to secure their short-term benefits. Human activities which result of the average temperature of the planet earth is increasing continuously which is a great threat to the planet earth.

Moreover, rapid melting of glaciers, increase in sea-level and change in crop cycle are also outcomes of global warming which is the outcome of human activities, Furthermore, inefficient use of water by human beings also has negative impact on the life on planet earth. Human activities are detrimental to fellow living beings as well. For instance. dumping of solid-waste in rivers and oceans is damaging the marine life. Above all, the harmful activities of human beings in the form of terrorism and arms race are severe threat to human life. human rights and economic activities on the planet earth. This all speaks volumes about the fact that human beings and their activities are the greatest threat to planet earth. To activities

begin with, it is a fact that human beings are the biggest treat to planet earth. Their have damaged the environment of the planet earth. Global warming is an outcome of human activities. Human beings in the greed to produce more are using fossil fuels in their industries which emit harmful greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases are damaging the ozone layer which is a protective layer around the planet earth. This protective layer secures the planet carth from harmful rays generated by sun to enter in the atmosphere generation of greenhouse gases owing to allowed harmful rays of human activities are damaging ozone layer which sun to enter in the atmosphere. As a result, the average temperature of the earth is increasing continuously. This phenomenon is also termed as global warming.

of the earth. However. Global warming is the foremost threat to planet earth which is caused by the human activities. Owing to which, global average temperature is increasing which is detrimental for the planet earth in many ways. Firstly, glaciers are melting rapidly because of the global warming. The rapid melting of glaciers results in the increase in sea level. Increase in sea-level is also a threat to planet earth as it erodes the land on earth leaving less space for human beings to inhabit cultivate and travel. This all illustrates that how human beings and their activities are the biggest threat to planet earth.

Moreover, global warming which is an outcome of human activities has changed the crop- ycle. The change in crop cycle has reduced the yield per hector. It has adversely affected the come of the farmers and the peasants. Moreover, this has made the planet earth more food- insecure which is never an encouraging sign for the future of the planet earth. Planet earth world.prove to be a disaster when population would go beyond the agricultural produce. Mankind mend its way to make the planet earth food surplus. Otherwise, food insecurity will be g threat to planet earth in coming years.

Furthermore, increase in the incidents of floods and tsunamis are a consequence of g warming. It is believed that the floods and tsunamis faced by the contemporary world are s made instead of the acts of nature. They are caused because of the activities of human beings s further believed that if human beings take right steps in curtailing global warming th devastating floods and tsunamis which had taken the lives of millions of people can be avoide The occurrence of floods and tsunamis owing to human activities means that human beings the biggest threat to planet earth and to secure the future of this planet human beings need mend their ways. , the average increase in temperature of the planet, the rapid melting of the cycle and other harmful outcomes of global warming a

Moreover glaciers and change in the crop affected the work force especially the daily-wagers. In other words, the outcome of huma activities is affecting the human beings themselves. They are producing less food. They are losing their precious lives as a consequence of floods and tsunamis. They are losing their jobs and employment. They are more food-insecure than before. The disparity among the haves and have nots are increasing rapidly. All of this is because of human beings’ self-destructive activities. The above paragraph further supports the maxim that human beings are the biggen

threat to planet earth. Furthermore, the inefficient and extravagant usage of water by human beings also has adverse impact on life on the planet earth. The water scarcity is prevalent in the underdeveloped regions of the world. Water scarcity is mainly because of mismanagement and wastage of water. This is a great threat to living beings. Closer to home, the government of Pakistan and the government of Sindh have completely failed to ensure round-the-clock water availability to the people of Thar. This failure of governments has resulted in death of hundreds of Thari children and animals. It is believed that if right steps were taken at district, provincial and federal levels, the lives of innocent people of Thar could be saved. This example also supports the argument that human beings are the biggest threat to planet earth.

In addition to this, human activities are just not harmful to their fellow human beings but also damaging other living beings as well. Their activities like dumping of solid waste in rivers and oceans are damaging the marine life. A big number of fish. turtles and other marine animals die because of this. It is reported that a big number of marine animals have gone extinct over the last century owing to human act of dumping solid waste in water bodies. This means that human activities are just not harmful for themselves only but for the whole eco-system which is a serious threat posed by human beings to planet earth.

Above and beyond, nefarious acts of human beings in the form of terrorism are a great Herest to planet earth. Terrorism poses threat to life, human rights, economic activities



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